G.k. important full forms
💢🌺Important full forms🌺 💢
🖌GOOGLE :- Global Organisation Of
Oriented Group Language of Earth
🖌APPLE:- Asian Passenger Payload Experiment
🖌HP :- Hewlett-Packard
🖌IBM:- International Business Machines Corporation
🖌HCL:-Hindustan Computer Limited
🖌WIPRO:- Western India Product Limited
🖌GE:-General Electronics
🖌INFOSYS:-Information System
🖌TCS:- Tata Consultancy Services
🖌AOL:- American Online
🖌BPL:- British Process Laboratory
🖌INTEL:- Integrated Electronics
🖌CISCO:- Computer Information System Company
🖌DELL:- michael DELL
🖌SONY:-Sound Of New York
AMD:- Advance micro devices
🖌LENOVO:- LE(Legend), NOVO (New)
COMPAQ:- Compatibility And Quality.
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